terça-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Devout Muslim SHOT COP 13 times because “police enforce laws that undermine the Quran’s teachings”

As I have reported here for years, this is all according to Islamic texts and teachings. And for me (and a small handful of my colleagues who dare speak candidly about Islam), we have been demonized, marginalized and rendered radioactive. Meanwhile — a cop takes 13 bullets. Downtown New Yorkers get mowed down on Halloween by a devout Muslim ululating “allah akbar.” Coworkers enjoying Christmas festivities in San Bernardino are slaughtered in cold blood. Commuters to work on trains are stabbed by Muslims shouting “allah akbar” in Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Marseilles, Paris, Sweden, etc. Shoppers stabbed at Mall of America. Nightclub revelers at a club in Orlando are mass murdered on a Saturday night. Families are mowed down en masse by a huge truck at a Bastille Day parade in France. In a similar incident, a truck driven by a jihadi runs down shoppers at a popular Berlin Christmas market. Vehicular jihad in London, Ohio, Stockholm, Edmonton, Canada, and on and on and on.

Just this week, a Muslim mowed pedestrians down and attacked a cop in Philadelphia, where the jihad shooting attack (below) took place. It never made the national news. Quiet sharia compliance, as if submission will save us."

Notas pessoais:

Eu bem avisei que seria uma questão de tempo até isto sobrar também para as polícias mercenárias ao serviço do zog...

E o pior do terrorismo não-nativo ainda está para vir; a não ser claro, que a democracia seja derrubada...

De quem é a culpa?
A) Das hordas kalergianas.
B) Das hordas kalergianas, mas sobretudo dos responsáveis pela sua vinda - os políticos democratas.
C) Do William Pierce.

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