quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Vídeo do dia.

"When I first came on Tumblr back in 2012 I saw posts going around calling the democratic-far-left out for their dogma. I had no idea at the time what the ideologies were and wasn’t interested in politics. After finding out about it and learning each day new things about it and the negative effects it is causing for all kinds of people and communities and countries and that the Democratic-Left have no intention to stop and re-evaluate but instead just double down and blame others when shit goes wrong. I just can’t see how any rational decent human being could glorify and support Communism and it’s abhorrent siblings Marxism, the makers of SJWs (progressivism is another they hide under). Those beliefs, theories and the destruction that comes with them are incompatible with human nature, and human beings should not be socially engineered to be compatible with ANY ideology and utopian ‘dream’, that always leads to society collapse. I see they like to complicate simple things, polarize things, when it is just their misery and boredom run amok. After learning how they manipulate people, exploit people’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities via the media, entertainment, academia, social media (see the concentration of victim mentality, the “oppression olympics” and narcissism on this platform) and then it all becomes clear. Their tactics are repetitive, transparent and desperate.
The MSM are losing, their ratings are dropping, Hollywood is embarrassing itself. People see they are bias and their narratives focus more on dividing people. Each day more and more are coming over to the Alternative media. Average working come on to the alternative media communities and share their experiences of their friends, family, spouses that are democratic-leftwing or full-on indoctrinated SJWs that got sucked into buying the collective commie cult world vision that doesn’t care what or who it destroys in the pursuit for power and control all the while it uses “equality, progress, unity” as the slogans."

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