"Today the young European male faces a crisis of devotion. Society has robbed him of a place to pour out his energies. Instead of worthwhile pursuits he is guided towards entertaining his lower nature. He finds temporary relief in artifice yet always returns to his pillow knowing it has led to nil. He is in a constant state of having yet to live while living vicariously through symbolic realities.
The commodification of sexuality has narrowed his love pursuits to an entirely economic level. His objective is no longer to cultivate and father a community but to tally his prison cell with relationships degraded into their numerical value. With his soul trapped in the machinations of the free market it has lost its freedom.
His entire consciousness hinges on the whims of his immediate desire and so he lacks the essential drive of the patriarch. By severing his connection to his ancestry, the European male has no base to rely upon while continuing his lineage. The lineage has lost its signification to him as he lives entirely in the present. The market has taken the place as the primary framework of his self-consciousness. Without a past, families fall apart and marriages wither all because the man can no longer place himself as the foundation of his community."
-Dorin Alexandru

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