Germany: Non-Aryan in One Generation
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a non-Aryan majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a non-Aryan majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Professor Kovács said that proponents of the current “unprecedented immigration” such as Chancellor Angela Merkel argue that “one, two, or three million are only a few compared to the 79–80 million people who currently live in Germany.”
This claim, Professor Kovács, says, is simply wrong because it does not take into account the age demographic which the influx is affecting.

“The fact that the majority of so-called asylum seekers are men, means that in almost all the cases, a successful bid for family reunification will be made.
“This will add between three and eight extra persons per successful asylum seeker, which means that by 2020 the total number of this group will be in excess of eight million.”
The fact that that are currently only 11.5 million European Germans in the 20- to 30- year-old age group means that by 2020—just four years away—Aryan Germans will be an outright minority in this age category.
“Of the 23 million people in this country who are between 20 and 35 years, approximately 11.5 million people have a migration background within five years,” Professor Kovács says.
Furthermore, the higher birth rate of immigrants “has not even been factored in,” he continued.
The conclusion is inevitable: either Germany will take political steps to halt and reverse the current Third World invasion(Kalergi plan), or it will become a majority non-Aryan country within one generation."
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