THIS IS NATIONAL SOCIALISM!!! Mustersiedlung Ramersdorf MUNICH (PICTURED PLANS AND REALITY!!) !!Housing for the people received top priority in the Third Reich. During 1933-1937 more than 1,458,179 new houses were built to the highest standards of the time. Each house could not be over two stories high and had to have a small garden for growing flowers or vegetables, as Hitler did not want people to lose contact with the land. The building of apartments was discouraged. Rental payments on housing were not allowed to exceed 1/8 of an average worker's income.
Interest-free loans of up to 1,000 RM (Reichsmark) were paid to newly married couples for the purchase of household goods. The loan was repayable at 1% per month, but for each child born, 25% of the loan was cancelled. Thus if a family had four children, the loan would have been considered paid in full. The same principle was applied in respect of home loans, which were issued for a period of ten years at a low rate of interest. The birth of each child also resulted in the cancellation of 25% of the loan up to the fourth child when the loan was cancelled.
Interest-free loans of up to 1,000 RM (Reichsmark) were paid to newly married couples for the purchase of household goods. The loan was repayable at 1% per month, but for each child born, 25% of the loan was cancelled. Thus if a family had four children, the loan would have been considered paid in full. The same principle was applied in respect of home loans, which were issued for a period of ten years at a low rate of interest. The birth of each child also resulted in the cancellation of 25% of the loan up to the fourth child when the loan was cancelled.

Notas pessoais:
Aos olhos de um crente na democracia, isto é certamente opressão e tirania...

Liberdade é ver metade do rendimento ser confiscado pelo estado-zog, pagar juros altíssimos, pagar rendas altíssimas, sustentar a máfia da usura internacional, e ser despejado de casa se não cumprir as obrigações ao mesmo tempo que não-nativos têm casas de graças(pagas com o dinheiro dos contribuintes) e os prejuízos dos banqueiros são "socializados" pelos contribuintes.
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