"Germany - Retired Media Boss Admitted That His Network Took Orders From Angela Merkel's Government
It couldn’t be any more obvious that the media in Germany is biased against the German people. Now a media boss has admitted what we’ve already known, that they take orders from the government on what and what not to report.
The German media is nothing more than an extension of the corrupt Neo-Marxist state which serves the interests of Jews and traitors like Angela Merkel. They go around claiming that anybody who speaks out against German women being raped and harassed by subhuman savages is a “racist Nazi” who wants to gas Jews. These media figures deserve the same fate as Merkel. They should be tried as traitors and following a guilty verdict be publicly executed.
From Kikebart:
A retired media boss at a major German state broadcaster has admitted his network and others take orders from the government on what — and what not — to report.

National public service broadcaster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), which was recently forced into a humiliating apology for their silence on migrant violence and sex assault is being drawn into a fresh scandal after one of their former bureau chiefs admitted the company takes orders from the government on what it reports. He said journalists received instructions to write news that would be “to Ms. Merkel’s liking”.
Former head of ZDF Bonn Dr. Wolfgang Herles make the remarks during a radio event (from minute 27) in Berlin where journalists discussed the media landscape. Moving on to the freedom of the press, the panel chair asked Dr. Herles whether things in Germany had got “seriously out of whack”. With an honesty perhaps unusual in Germany, Dr. Herles replied that ordinary Germans were totally losing faith in the media, something he called a “scandal”. "

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