sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.


The former commander of the French Foreign Legion, General Christian Piquemal, was arrested in Calais during a protest against wild immigration banned by the French government.
"Our country is afraid of its past, its history. We stop at all, we are in a permanent state of repentance. Pride disappears in favor of genuflection. The marks are gone, the country is deliquescent and the media who make the opinion and condition are leading the policy of our leaders. Media power shapes the minds, attitudes and the highest state authorities are dependent on the press ."

Notas pessoais:

 Que sirva para aumentar o ódio nos quartéis. E já agora, maior solidariedade para com os "arruaceiros" nacionalistas do futebol que sofrem bem mais vezes, de forma mais agressiva, e sobretudo mais covarde, a repressão dos porcos fardados ao serviço do zog.

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