quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

A new Celtic empire will rise, not under democracy, but under the mind of the Noble and wise…
Let us work together my muse, my sacred inspiration, my queen… Under our Native religion which have the only native legitimacy to preach to our native people what is right and/or what is wrong, and what is or not a sin…

Give yourself only to me, and let's expand our Celtic bloodline... Let's erase the alien semitic trace, and build a paradise on our lands, where everything is beautiful and fine…
Because a Nation without a Native culture, 
is no longer the land of the eagle and wolf, but instead of the hyena and vulture...

Let us be the cradle of life of our peple, let us be the death of all who deliberately are harming us...
Let us be Love&Hate... And smash all the scum, who are trying to stop, our divine and sacred fate…
-999NS POETRY999

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