terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2020

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The BIC ballpoint pen impossibility:

People already knew that the dairy was written with a BIC ballpoint pen, which was only a prototype at that time and was in no way industrialized, let alone sold on the market. They were commercialized in 1951. This already permitted many people to determine the book to be a fraud as it was physically impossible for Anne Frank to write the diary with a BIC ballpoint pen, unless she was capable of traveling through time, to the future and then return with such a writing medium…

Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank made millions out of the death of her daughter. This is a disgusting display of macabre money making, thus by doing so he shows no respect for her daughter or her memory, while non-Jews are supposed to cry out for the faked, fantasized stories this man made up. I truly hope this new victory of truth will open the eyes of many about the genuine nature of holocaust propaganda, and how morally bankrupt this myth is."
-Der Himmelstern

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