iPhone 6: Apple Customers Attacked by neo-Fascists at launch of new iPhone in Italy
"Italy far-right student group throws eggs to iPhone buyers in Rome.
A splinter student group of Italy's notorious neo-fascist CasaPound movement has attacked buyers of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, throwing eggs, flour and water at people queuing outside Rome's Apple Store.
Members of Blocco Studentesco also distributed flyers with a split
picture showing the contrast between World War I's brutality and young customers holding the new iPhone.
"Yesterday: trenches and bayonet... today: an iPhone waiting for
you," reads the anti-consumerist slogan on the posters. The organisation
defended itself by saying that it was "an irreverent action to mock the
consumerist craze to wait for hours and hours for a tech product that
has become a status symbol".
"The water balloons hurled at people queuing serve as a wake-up call
to youths addicted and attracted to cultural trends that are dictated by
multinationals. The launch of a new product becomes an event for them,"
said Fabio Di Martino"
Notas pessoais:
Uma iniciativa muito boa que chama atenção para o contraste de uma sociedade outrora heróica, nacionalista e aristocrata, para a sociedade do presente agora burguesa, igualitária e consumista, composta por bovinos consumidores que não buscam qualquer propósito de vida a não ser "Trabalhar, comprar, consumir, e morrer.".
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