sábado, 17 de agosto de 2019

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Austrian intelligence says radical Islamic terrorism is the country’s number one security threat 

A new report released by Austrian intelligence says that radical Islamic terrorism is still the most pressing security issue in the country, with returned ISIS fighters being a primary concern.

According to Kronen Zeitung, the Austrian Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BVT), in their report, said that fighters from ISIS and other radical Islamic extremist groups returning to Austria from the Middle East pose the greatest danger to the country due to the combat experience they may have gained while abroad.

The BVT estimated at the end of 2018 that no less than 320 people from Austria had made their way to Syria or Iraq to fight for radical Islamic terror groups. The intelligence agency estimated that of that number, 107 were likely killed while 93 have returned to Austria."

Notas pessoais:

  1. Será que os Serviços de Inteligência Austríacos são "islamófobos"? Porque quando os Nacionalistas alertam para tal perigo para a sua Nação, são chamados de "islamófobos"...
  2. Se "somos todos iguais", porque é que eles representam uma ameaça nacional? Alguma coisa não bate certo na narrativa da "igualdade humana"…
  3. Eles valem quanto nas urnas? Um voto cada um, não é? Aaaahhh...que forma de regime tão "inteligente" que é a democracia!!!

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