sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Let me enter your mind like if it was to you my sacred gift...
A pair of minutes, for you to travel in a mind's shift...
No sound of the fake-media deceiving and treating you like a mental retard as Forrest Gump...
No sound of the fake-media with their fake-dialects calling of Fascists and NS the supporters of Donald Trump...
No sound of antifas claiming each time communism fails like in Venezuela, "That's because it was not the real communism"...
No sound of neo-conservatives calling the genuine Patriots of "traitors"; they, who chose selling their own souls because is always the prerequisite of capitalism…

No lies, no hypocrisy, no democracy… Just you and me...

I could have spoken in my native language - Portuguese -, but maybe you could had not fully understand...
So I write poetry in your native language, so beyond the ocean...I can still reach your hand

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