sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.


A word that permeates the soul of the uprooted Swede. A word that the highly intolerant use to control, numb and last but not least gain ground.
It's already starting among preschoolers. Where swedish children are invited to embrace early Christian ideals and legal cords that have now been more or less taken over by the pk-left. Floskler on "Allas equal value", to turn the other cheek to and "please the stupid/elake will be this nice".

Our young are fed with the toxins of these tolerances. What happens is that we inch by inch, slowly but surely lose. We don't just lose our right to defense. When non-Swedes are often brought up in extremely patriarchal structures like the ones our people lived behind in medieval Christian Sweden, our sons and daughters are raised by completely different "male" ideals.
In our(?) (((society))), the Swedish man no longer has the right to be a man. Now young boys should be tolerant and happy to androgynous. They end up here directly at a disadvantage that usually becomes most evident in puberty. Swedish guys are robbed, humiliated, ridiculed. Like their sisters, they have become an easy prey. They are often also at a numerical disadvantage as strangers move in larger groups.

In the multicultural Western world, the non-Aryan man is portrayed as strong, male, vital and last but not least desirable. Our sons will look up to them and our daughters will want to pass on these genes. The question is where can we adults step in and do something to equip our young right?
I must stress here that I do not in any way advocate a similar upbringing that I mentioned earlier, when we lived after Christian oppression ideals. However, as many of you readers already know, I am at the very top of the fact that we men and women should start from natural feminine and masculine ideals. Where man and woman complement each other and back each other up.

I believe that our men need to start speaking their language and show in force and action that it is enough.

 The fathers, husbands, fathers of the Nordic countries and brothers need to start thinking more strategically and again putting hard.
Non-natives shouldn't be able to come here and rape. 
Non-native Men should not dare to rob young Swedes. We Swedes/Northerners need to be intolerant. Only then do we have a chance to reclaim our Nation. Because as it is now, they are ravaging freely. And it was our "elected" traitors politicians who dropped the hell over the bridge. But it's up to us to stop it!"
-Paulina Forslund

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