"How are liberals and conservatives different from one another? I believe that their most fundamental difference is that liberals enjoy destroying things, smashing up existing structures and institutions, while conservatives are much more inclined to hang onto what already exists: not only to hang on, but to support it, so long as it has an aura of authority, whether that makes sense or not.

The conservative and the liberal are similar in that neither is a systematic thinker — at least, not with regard to the ideas and policies which define his conservative or liberal nature. He does not derive his ideas on specific matters from general principles, but rather from attitudes or psychological tendencies.

I’ll tell you who the systematic thinkers are: the Jews. The Jews not only think systematically, they think tribally. Jews aren’t afraid of hard work when it is necessary, but they don’t really work harder than conservatives or liberals — at least, it’s not just hard work and education which are responsible for their wealth and power; it’s their systematic approach to things, their tribal approach. That is the secret of their success. They’re not distracted by things such as conservatism or liberalism. They know what they want, and they go after it in a rational way.
That’s because, regardless of whether they support Al Gore or Bill Bradley or George Bush, Jr., for President — regardless of their economic policies or their party affiliation — they virtually all are for gun control, for open borders, for multiculturalism and more “diversity,” for racial mixing, for permitting homosexuals to be Boy Scout leaders, and so on. But the essential point, which both conservatives and liberals fail to understand, is that the Jews don’t base their policies on any inherently “liberal” tendency. They base their policies on what’s good for the Jews. And that also means, in nearly every case, on what’s bad for the Gentiles, on what weakens the Gentiles, on what makes easier prey of the Gentiles. Tribal thinking.
We live in a rapidly shrinking world, with rapidly increasing competition for limited resources. Everywhere, both in America and in Europe, the land which used to be exclusively ours is being overrun by non-Aryans. We already are a minority in California, and we’re headed toward becoming a minority everywhere else in a hurry. We are losing our neighborhoods, our cities, our public schools, our workplaces to non-Aryans. Really, that’s an understatement. We’ve already lost many of our cities and many of our public schools, and the suburbs and the private schools are going fast.
We have before us the example of South Africa. That is, those of us who pay attention to what is actually happening in the world and don’t depend entirely on Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and Peter Jennings, have that example before us of a formerly Aryan 'civilization' going down to ruin in just a few short years after the Aryans there relaxed their grip. We have that example before us, and we can see what is happening all around us in America, just as we can see on our television screens where the Jews are pushing us.
And the conservatives among us tell us that we should take our hats off to the hard-working folks in Hollywood, New York, and Washington who are orchestrating this wonderful Jonestown, America, while the liberals are elbowing each other aside in their eagerness to be first in line at the Kool Aid dispenser.
And the conservatives among us tell us that we should take our hats off to the hard-working folks in Hollywood, New York, and Washington who are orchestrating this wonderful Jonestown, America, while the liberals are elbowing each other aside in their eagerness to be first in line at the Kool Aid dispenser.
It’s about time for those of us still capable of thinking tribally to begin doing so. It’s about time for those of us who understand what it means to be European, to be Aryan, and who understand what it used to mean — those of us who treasure our heritage, who honor the sacrifices and achievements of our forefathers and appreciate the civilization they created for us — those of us who feel a sense of responsibility to the future and are determined that our people shall inherit the future, not the mongrel offspring of the rappers and jivers we see on our television screens, but our people — it’s about time for us to begin thinking and planning and acting systematically in a manner aimed at our racial survival.
It’s time to stop being spectators, to stop listening to the hypocritical cant of the liberals and the mindless ramblings of the conservatives. It’s time to base everything — everything — on the proposition that we must survive, our people must survive. If a policy strengthens our people, if it increases the survivability of our people, it is a good policy. If it weakens us or puts us at a disadvantage in the struggle for survival it is a bad policy. That’s all that matters. That’s all that we should consider. Racial survival, racial victory in the struggle for life and dominance, must be the goal of every plan, of every policy, of every thought and action. Tribal thinking.
We used to understand that, back before television. Everyone understood it who survived. The Jews still understand it. We’d better learn it again — soon."
-William Pierce
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